SKIN | Advanced Treaments

We are passionate about helping our clients achieve skin excellence. Flawless skin is not only achieved through the art of make-up but via advanced facial treatments and utilising a skincare routine that is tailored to you and your skin.


1 / Consultation & Skin Analysis

Get the most out of your skincare journey by investing in our advanced skin scanning consultation where we take an in-depth look at any skin damage or issues which often hide below the surface. Using the latest technology, we analyse sun damage, sensitivity and more, enabling us to provide completely personalised treatments and skincare plans. Learn more here.

2 / Bespoke Packages & Treatments

Using our expertise, we have created a set of three facial packages, each offering a bespoke approach by giving your skin exactly what it needs at the time of your visit via a combination of advanced facial treatments. In addition to our packages, we also offer individual treatments microneedling, skin peels and the famous IS clinical Fire & ice facial (which is not only great for a an event but for mammas to be and breastfeeding mammas).

3 / Tailored Skincare Plan + Expert Advice

By investing in our consultation service, you will also receive a skincare plan that is completely tailored to your skin’s needs which will be created using the results from our skin scanning technology. We’re experts when it comes to skincare ingredients and passionate about results. Stop guessing what your skin needs and discover what it actually needs by making use of our expert advice.

Bespoke Facial Packages

A set of three facial packages, each tailored to give your skin exactly what it needs during your visit

The Signature Facial


Each facial is bespoke and will give you exactly what your skin needs at the time, which will consist of a combination of the following treatments:

  • Enzyme treatment

  • Peptide mask

  • LED light therapy

  • Dermaplaning

  • Black head extractions

  • Cryoball sculpting

Treatment areas

Face only


50 mins




Advanced skin scanning consultation & tailored skincare plan £24 (save 20%)

The Advanced Facial


Each facial is bespoke and will give you exactly what your skin needs at the time, which will consist of a combination of the following treatments:

  • Enzyme treatment

  • Peptide mask

  • LED light therapy

  • Dermaplaning

  • Black head extractions

  • Cryoball sculpting

  • Skin peel

  • Milia removal

Treatment areas

Face only


1 hour


Minimal (may experience dryness for a few days)


Advanced skin scanning consultation & tailored skincare plan £24 (save 20%)

The Ultimate Facial


This includes our advanced skin scanning technology to delve even deeper into your skins’ needs. We will also work on the neck and décolletage area, as well as the face. Treatments will include a combination of:

  • Enzyme treatment

  • Peptide mask

  • LED light therapy

  • Dermaplaning

  • Black head extractions

  • Skin peel

  • Milia removal

  • Microneedling

Treatment areas

Face, neck & décolletage


1 hour 20 mins


24 hours (skin may appear slightly pink for the initial hours after treatment)

Skin scanning consulation & tailored skincare plan included!

We highly recommend booking our skin scanning consultation using our advanced digital skin scanning technology to get the most out of your treatment. You will also leave with a tailored skincare plan using the scanning results.

Other treatments

Outside of our bespoke facial packages, we also offer a number of other treatments for your skin

IS Clinical Fire + Ice with LED

Also known as the Red Carpet Facial due to results that leave you with vibrant, clear and glowing skin. This rejuvenating, results-driven treatment bridges the gap between a mild facial and an invasive peel with no down time. Designed to resurface the skin; treat problematic areas; reduce fine lines and encourage cellular renewal. The treatment is then followed by the Déesse Pro LED phototherapy mask, which uses low-level light therapy to help deliver the next generation of facial treatments.

Light therapy is medically recognised and clinically proven with over 40 years of scientific research and support. The LED stimulates natural cellular responses for a wide range of dermatological conditions including acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, wound healing, skin repair, as well as targeting dull and uneven complexion.



50 mins




Add-on: Our skin scanning consultation & tailored skincare plan for an additional £24 (saving 20%)

IS Clinical Luxe Fire + Ice with LED

This includes everything in our standard IS Clinical Fire & Ice Facial listed above, including our LED phototherapy mask - however our Luxe Facial also includes dermaplaning, as well as the steaming and extraction of blackheads.

This luxe treatment will leave you with vibrant, clear and glowing skin without any downtime. This rejuvenating, results-driven treatment bridges the gap between a mild facial and an invasive peel. This treatment is designed to resurface the skin; treat problematic areas; reduce fine lines, encourage cellular renewal, remove vellus hair and remove any blackheads using microcurrent technology.



50 mins




(add-on our skin scanning consultation & tailored skincare plan for an additional £24 (saving 20%)

PCA + Neostrata Skin Peel

Chemical skin peels are an important part of skin health and can be an effective treatment option for most skin types and concerns. PCA + Neostrata skin peels improve tone, texture, breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles, as well as dark spots. 

PCA + Neostrata skin peels remain the industry leader in the development of gentle yet highly effective professional treatments. Superficial and medium depth peels are not dramatic or obvious.

Each treatment is tailored to the individual needs of the skin discussed in a consultation.




Can vary from 2 - 5 days

45 mins


Add-on our skin scanning consultation & tailored skincare plan for an additional £24 (saving 20%)

Derma FNS Microneedling

Derma FNS (Fractional Needling system) is also known as Collagen Induction Therapy. This is a highly effective electronic facial rejuvenation mechanism used to significantly tighten, lift and rejuvenate the skin. It can reduce acne scars, minimise pore size, extensively improve the appearance of tired and dull skin and improve fine lines and wrinkles. It can also tackle different types of pigmentation such as melasma, vitaligo, sun damage and age spots.

This micro needling treatment uses tiny multiple electronically powered needles to pierce the skin to stimulate the production of new dermal collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. The ageing, damaged tissue is then replaced with healthy new skin cells. This treatment will strengthen the skin structure, increases collagen production, minimises pore appearance, improves skin texture, evens out skin tone and aids the recovery of injury and pox scars. 



50 minutes

Up to 24 hours

Single treatment - £120

or course of 3 - £320


Ready to make that appointment? Book here 




Skin Scanning Consultations

Our consultations involve our digital skin scanning technology where we use advanced photography and software to analyse sun damage, pore size, pigmentation, redness, wrinkles and more.

The skin is compared with a peer group of the same age, sex and skin type. We highly recommend booking this service as it enables us to provide treatments and product recommendations that are completely tailored to your skin.

You’ll also receive a tailored skincare plan using our expert knowledge of skincare ingredients to assist you further on your skincare journey.

Book a Consultation here

Looking for Injectable or Deeper Skin Treatments?

We work alongside Dr Becky Carter at The Cosmetics Hub where we both share the same passion for skin health and cosmetic excellence. Dr Becky can help with Injectable Treatments, PRP, Deeper Peels and Scarring Treatments. Checkout Dr Becky’s website here for more information.